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(Help stop the Charlie Horses in the pool) 

The Hamstrings play a very important role in flexing the knee and extending the thigh backwards. (Think Kicking your bum). They cross the hip and the knee joint and help with walking, running, jumping and many other daily activities. As humans we walk forward most of the time so it is important to balance the Hamstrings with the Quad (front) in order to ensure muscular balance.


Quite Often when a person finds that their hamstrings cramp up when they kick their leg towards their bum it is related partly to weak hamstrings. Try the follow routine to help. 

Movement 1

Supine Hamstring Curls with a Hold

(2-3 sets of 10-12) x twice per week


Seated Hamstring Curls with a Ball or Sliider

(2-3 sets of 10-12) x twice per week

Movement 2- Hip Hinges/Deadlifts

(2-3 sets of 10-12) x twice per week

Video to come...

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Hamstring Activation/Strength

Coming Soon...Why Hinging Properly is Important in Spinal Health 

Here is a simple Hamstring Mobility Drill you can do when you are done the Strengthening 

Video to come...


Hamstring Warm-Up

Video to come...

Hamstring Mobility 

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